I looked around my workroom and saw a package of cardboard feet hanging on my wall. They have been there for a while. I don't know what my intention was when I got them. They must have been a bargain bin find because I can't say that I find them an indispensable item. But they are and unusual page shape.
It was also around this time that I had been blog hopping and ended up, quite by accident and I'm sure I couldn't duplicate the sequence of events again, at a blog called Real Yogis Say '%@"!' I did not make up that title. Yogi Amber, in her March 31, 2011 post, wrote an original poem called "Until You Walk in My Shoes" that was truly inspiring. It was about making judgements about people and then learning their stories.
I had to take a bit of creative license with her work since I had feet not shoes and not all of the verses had the feel that I needed but for the most part it was a perfect fit.(no pun intended). So .... Until You Walk in My Shoes became Until You Walk in My Life and my feet became multi coloured or multi ethnic because the words crossed all ethnic and cultural borders.
I used alcohol inks to add colour and jump rings to connect the pages.