Thursday, February 22, 2024

Lesson 3

Inspirational Paper Artists

Video - Show and Share Lesson 2

Video - Inspirational Artists Presentation

Ines Seidel      Ines Seidel(@ines_seidel) • Instagram photos and videos

Cecile Meraglia           Textile Adventures(

Joy Norman                 Home | Joy Norman - Mixed M

Mary Button Durell     Mary Button Durell          Mary Button Durell (@marybutton) •Instagram photos and videos

Traudl Stahl                 (   

Ria van Krieken 

Patricia Chemin          Patricia Chemin - tissue papersculptures (            Patricia Chemin(@patricia.chemin) • Instagram photos and videos

Judy Barrass                Judy Barrass- Artist         

Andrea Cook               Andrea Cook- collages with handmade paper (

Kay Sekimachi

Petra Poolen                Petra Poolen -paintings and sculptures –Paintings, sculptures and other pieces of art

Anne Marie Desaulniers         ONN member

Angela Mainz              Home – Angela Mainz - Art made of paper

Ann Symes                  Ann Symes (@symes.ann) • Instagramphotos and videos

Leslie Avon Miller

Marlis Maehrle           blauvogelbuch+papier+zeichen(@mmaehrle) • Instagram photos and videos

Debbie Wijskamp        DEBBIE WIJSKAMP // Designer • Artist -Debbie Wijskamp

Gelliarts blog               homepage - Printing Projects(

Hillary Bravo                HilaryBravo: Papier-Mache Bowls (etc) Tutorials - 2023.(

K Henkel                      Lettingin the Light: Bowl Making ..... Again (

Anna Bower                Anna Bower (@annabowerartist)• Instagram photos and videos

Patricia Valentini         Patricia Valentini Art

Jocelyn Chateauvert   Jocelyn Châteauvert(

Sandrine Beaudun       Artworks - Sandrine_Beaudun(

Mary Merkel-Hess      Mary Merkel-Hess |Artnet

Mona Waterhouse      Mona Waterhouse

Kerry Toomey              Kerry Toomey (@kerry.toomey) •Instagram photos and videos

Recyclart                     Recyclart - Thousands of Upcycled & Recycled DIY Ideas!

Jackie Abrams             Jackie Abrams - Home

Natalie Wargin

Lia van Elffenbrinck     Bowls, Unique Piece ofArt, Colorful Design, Paper Mache Art. (

Wilma Simmons          Wilma Simmons(@empress.wu.designs) • Instagram photos and videos

Flavia Lovatelli            Contessa Flavia Isabella Lovatelli(      Contessa FlaviaIsabella-Lovatelli (@filovatelli) • Instagram photos and videos


Getting Started with Paper Clay

While there are a number of DIY recipes for Paper Clay on the internet and some excellent videos for making it on You Tube ( Make Paper Mache Clay WithWurth Joint Compound (, I’m choosing to use a prepared paper clay, Creative Paper Clay.  It’s an air dry clay that must be kept in an air tight container once opened.

We are going to be making very simple bowls.  Correction – I’m going to be making a very simple bowl, using another small bowl as my mold.  Taking a portion of the clay and using a piece of parchment paper that I’ve taped down to my work surface, I’m using a non-porous rolling pin to roll out my clay to an even thickness.  My clay is about 3/8” thick and roughly 7 – 8 “ in diameter.  I am going to drape that over the small silicon bowl that I am using as a mold.  I am using silicon because it has some give and flexibility which means that I should be able to remove it from the clay reasonably easily.  (I hope).  If it were a harder surface I would have covered it in cling wrap so that I would have had some way of separating the clay from the mold.

When you press and shape the clay to the outer side of the mold, you may get cracks or tears and you will need to patch these up.  This is when you may need to dampen the clay to smooth out the cracks. While the clay is moist you can use your tools, to smooth the side or add texture to the side, whichever you wish.

If you plan to stitch into your vessel, you will need to add the stitching holes before the clay dries.  If you plan to have a stitched edging, you will need to add holes along the top edge of the vessel.  You can use the awl to mark the placement of the holes while the vessel is still on the mold, but the holes will not go all the way through. Once you have molded the vessel into the shape that you want and the vessel has had some time to partially firm up ( not long), you can release the vessel from the mold, and it will retain it’s shape.  You can then use the awl to complete the holes that were marked along the edge of the vessel.  Re-pierce each hole, from the inside to the outside, making sure that it is large enough for your needle and thread to go through.  Use a twisting, drilling motion if necessary to make sure that the awl goes through – do not use force.

If you plan to add stitches at any other points in your vessel, you will need to add the stitches holes now.  It is much easier to do when the clay is still damp.

Leave your vessel to dry.  There may be some shrinkage.  Your vessel may be painted and or decorated before stitching.  A varnish can be used to protect the surface.

Making a PaperClay Vessel

Resizing Holeson Your Paper Clay Vessel



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