Materials Needed
- 12” x 12” paper in two colours (2 pieces each) that coordinate with chosen eco-dyed, gelli print or specialty paper
- Cardboard for cover (optional)
- Ruler
- Knife
- Cutting mat
- Scissors
- Adhesive
Paper Dimensions
6” x 12” Colour A
5.5” x 11” Colour B
5” x 10” A
4.5” x 9” B
4” x 8” A
3.5” x 7” B
3” x 6” A
2.5” x 5” B
2” x 4” A
Eco-dyed or Specialty Paper
2 @ 7.5” x 7.5” for cover decoration (a hard cover) to complement Colour A -- optional
2 @ 5.5” x 5.5” for cover decoration (if not making a hard cover) to complement Colour A
1 @ 5.5” x 5.5” as inner end paper decoration to complement Colour A
2 @ 5” x 5” to complement Colour B
2 @ 4.5” x 4.5” to complement A
2 @ 4” x 4” B
2 @ 3.5” x 3.5” A
2 @ 3” x 3” B
2 @ 2.5” x 2.5” A
2 @ 2” x 2” B
3 @ 1.5” x 1.5” A
Video: Maze Book - Creating the Base
1. Fold each strip of plain paper in half
2. Open the 6” x 12” strip
3. Take the next largest strip of paper – 5.5” x 11” in Colour B and with the fold facing the bottom, center it on the right half of the first strip of paper. Leave an even border around the folded piece of paper. You should be able to close the 6” x 12” strip of paper over the top of the piece you have just glued down. (if you did that – open it again)
4. Open the paper you just glued down so that it lies flat and rub it down firmly. Give everything a quarter turn counterclockwise (to the left).
5. Take the next size piece of paper (Colour A) and center it to the right of the fold line and glue it down with the fold facing down.
6. Open the paper, rub it firmly and turn it everything one quarter turn to the left.
7. Take the next size piece of folded paper, Colour B, and center it to the right of the fold line and glue it down with the fold facing down.
8. Open the paper and keep repeating these steps until you have glued all the folded sheets of paper in decreasing order of size. Make sure each one is securely fastened by rubbing each one thoroughly when adhering them.
When the last one is secure you can begin to add the decorative element as you work your way back to the beginning.
Video: Maze Book - Decorating the Pages
1. If you haven’t taken a break at this point, you will still be in the middle of your project so starting at the middle, with the smallest elements, you are going to reverse the steps that you have used so far. Using the smallest eco dyed or specialty decorative piece to complement Colour A, center it on the right hand side of the plain paper. Turn the paper clockwise and repeat. (If you have taken a break you will be working from the outside in, turning counterclockwise and working from largest to smallest pieces of decorative paper.)
2. As you change coloured background you will also be changing sizes for your decorative elements. You will be leaving a ¼ “ border around the edge of your decorative element. If you plan to add stitching to your eco-dyed or specialty paper, this should be done before it is attached at this point.
3. Note: stitching may add additional bulk depending upon the type and amount of stitching. This is a very flexible structure and allows for expansion. Try to avoid knots if possible.
1. Cut cardboard to desired size for cover. Calculate the cover size by measuring the width of the page plus 1/8 and measuring the height of the page plus ¼ “. This will give you the dimensions of the cover plus 1/8 border around the edge as a foredge (except at the spine where there can’t be any overlap). In this case, the largest page is 6” x 6” so the cover will be 6 1/8 “x 6 ¼ “.
2. Cover the cardboard with decorative paper (Eco prints/gelli prints if you wish) and attach to the first and last page.