Thursday, November 11, 2021

Mathematical (Curve) Stitching Lesson 4

Lesson 4 Presentation Video

Mystic Rose

This can be a fairly dense design depending upon the number of points you choose to have around the circumference of your circle.  With an even number of points, the diameters will cross at the center but with an odd number of points the diameters will leave a regular polygon shape at the centre.

 10 point  11 point

Partial Mystic Rose designs, while not a true example of curve stitching, can produce some very interesting patterns that can be useful when creating your own designs. 

Using different coloured threads you can make an interesting effect or using the same thread you can make a kind of peacock tail or fan effect.

Bipartite Graphs

A bipartite graph is not actually an example of curve stitching but it can produce interesting designs. In a bipartite graph, one set of vertices is connected to another set of vertices but not connected to the vertices within its own set. In a complete bipartite graph, all the vertices in one set are connected to all the vertices in the second set. 

All the vertices in set S are connected to all the vertices in set T.  The graph would be known as  K 4,3

Bipartite graphs can also be shown in a circular format for a more interesting design.

 K 8,8K 8,8   K 8,8  

The following is a link to a site that will create circular bipartite graphs to the specifications you enter.

Bipartite Graph Creation Program

This template is useful when creating bipartite graphs by hand.

Some more examples:



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